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2023 Conference A Review & Resources

Rising to the Challenge!

Kalahari Resort, October 1 - 4, 2023 

The PaLA 2023 Conference took place at Kalahari Resort in the beautiful Pocono Mountains  from October 1 - 4, 2023.  N
early 600 librarians, exhibitors and speakers congregated to participate in more than 60 educational sessions, a two-day Library Products & Services Expo, and numerous opportunities for informal networking, including a fun evening in the indoor waterpark.


Conference Planning Committee 

The 2023 Conference Planning Committee, under the direction of chair, Rose Chiocchi, planned and executed a memorable event!  Congratulate them for their efforts.

Committee Roster




Educational & Networking Opportunities

The 2023 Conference offered a wealth of opportunity for attendees to explore the area, network with their peers and learn from experts in the field.  The event also included inspiring talks from keynote presenters.

The Opening Keynote Session featured ALA President, Emily Drabinski, who reminded us that libraries do good work with examples of library workers who are fighting book bans and making a difference in the lives of their patrons. 


On a similar note, the Closing Session feauted New York Times best-selling author, Adrianna Trigiani, whose entertaining stories and insightful message left the audience with pride of their work and excitement for the future.

Conference Program Booklet  (session descriptions, presenters & tour information)

Poster Presentations

Session Handouts

Many conference presenters shared their expertise during the breakout and poster sessions that took place throughout the conference. Handouts are available to conference attendees in the mobile app and via the link to the handouts page.
Contact Kim Snyder Wise if you would like the link to be resent to you.

Library Products & Services Expo

The Library Products & Services Expo offers one of the best opportunities for attendees to connect with library suppliers to learn of the latest innovations for libraries. This two-day show offers a concise schedule in an environment that promotes interaction with attendees through no-conflict exhibit time, exhibit hall activities and informal networking opportunities. 

The 2023 Exhibit Hall sold out at 64 booths.  Of these, approximately 20 percent were new exhibit partners!  Attend the PaLA Library Products & Services Expo to connect with both established and new vendors to assist in your library product & service needs.

2023 Exhibitor Partners



Conference Sponsors & Contributors

The conference wouldn't be possible without the generous support of our sponsors, Friends Groups and library contributors. These generous donors help keep registration fees affordable!

We encourage you to thank this wonderful group of contributors: 

2023 Conference Sponsors

2023 Friends Group Contributors

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Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
717-766-7663 Phone
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