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About the Pennsylvania Library Association

Who We Are

Founded in 1901, the Pennsylvania Library Association (PaLA) is the state's oldest professional library organization serving libraries, library employees, library trustees, and Friends of the Library groups.

PaLA represents more than 1,200 personal, institutional, and commercial members affiliated with public, academic, special, and school libraries throughout the Commonwealth. The association represents the profession in Harrisburg with our state legislature and provides opportunities for professional growth, leadership development, and continuing education for librarians.

PaLA operates with a small staff and a wide range of volunteer members who serve on our board, on committees, in local chapters, as part of divisions and round tables. Our Organizational Chart (PDF) shows how the staff and volunteers carry out the mission and goals of PaLA.



Bylaws (PDF)


Policy and Procedure Manual (PDF)


Organizational Chart (PDF)


Strategic Priorities


The Pennsylvania Library Association will be the premier advocate for Pennsylvania libraries.


The Pennsylvania Library Association strengthens Pennsylvania’s libraries through advocacy, education and leadership. We foster innovation and collaboration, nurture library leaders, and promote the value of libraries.

Strategic Priorities

1. Financial sustainability

2. Membership

3. Clear communications

4. Greater awareness and visibility


Learn Our History

To dig deeper into our history, check out the work of our Archives & History Committee.


Past Presidents

Our volunteer leaders are elected by their colleagues, and dedicate themselves, their time, talent, and resources for the benefit of libraries across the Commonwealth. We have a long history and are grateful to their essential leadership in our Association.  See the list of who has served!  List of past presidents


Join Us!

If you aren't a member yet, join now online!



Contact Us

220 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 10
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
717-766-7663 Phone
717-766-5440 Fax
800-622-3308 (PA Only)