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PaLA Speakers Bureau


Join the Speakers Bureau!

Pennsylvania Libraries Association (PaLA) is looking for speakers to share their experiences with an engaged professional audience.

Becoming a member of the PaLA Speakers Bureau is a great way to share your experience, research, projects, and ideas. Library professionals are looking for speakers both inside and outside the profession with innovative approaches to running organizations, practical tools, success stories, and ideas for professional development.

If you have something to say, please click on the link below and fill out the form for our review. Thank you for your interest in the PaLA Speakers Bureau.

PaLA Speakers Bureau Application Form

Find a Speaker!


Anyone can search the Speakers Bureau to find speakers who have been added by Conference Evaluation Chair. The Speakers Bureau was originally created by the PALS 2012 class. The opinions expressed by participants in the Speakers Bureau do not necessarily reflect the viewpoint of PaLA. The mention of an organization name, product, or service in a presentation should not be construed as an endorsement.

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Contact Us

220 Cumberland Parkway, Suite 10
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
717-766-7663 Phone
717-766-5440 Fax
800-622-3308 (PA Only)